Thursday, May 31, 2018

Stampin' Up! Layered Lace Happiest Birthday Card

Hooray! Hooray! Lots of layered lace! Even with all the lace you can still put this card in an envelope and mail it!

I'm so happy to get back to the "pretty" cards! 

Now if it would only stop raining here I would be a super happy camper! I mean really. It's been over 3 weeks of rain here now. Almost continuous. I'm starting to feel a little moldy lol! When I pick up my papers, even they feel a little damp. 

I recently got some paperclay and a couple of molds, thinking they would make nice dimensional elements for cards. The first group I tried just wouldn't dry! I waited 3 days! Still damp! I finally put them in my oven and baked them at low temp for a couple hours. The molds were silicone so it was ok. I'm going to wait for the rains to stop before I attempt it again!

Back to the card.... it really is a pretty feminine one. My neighbor loved it and wanted one to send off to a friend of hers!

Click here to see the video!

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