Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Background Stamping with a Stencil

This week we'll be getting messy so get out your roll of paper towels! The technique uses stencils as stamps to create a fun, but messy background! It's just one more way to get a bit of extra use from crafting things you already have! 

On that note.... as you watch my videos, keep in mind that if you don't have EXACTLY the same things I have used, think about what you DO have that could be substituted. You don't have that sentiment stamp? Use one you have! That flower stamp isn't in your collection? Well, what do you have? Anything close? Use that! I always list the products I've used but I promise the world will not end if you don't use exactly the same things I did. And you will have a card that is uniquely your own!

You can view the video here

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