Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Happy Wednesday!

I hope everyone is having a better day than I am today! I was greeted this morning with the results of a gastro problem my dog has been having since (we suspect) our cat, Chaos, shared a raw turkey burrito burger with her the other day 😒. I spent the morning cleaning my floors, THEN I couldn't find the little plastic box I keep my completed and video'ed cards in, along with the materials lists. It could be anywhere since my grandson likes to look at the cards which is why they are in a plastic box! So the list of materials I used isn't included on this card. When and if I find the list I'll add them.

On to the card! I watched some youtube videos on different ways to make pop-ups and when I saw the floating platform one I knew I needed to adapt it to a card! It looks so impressive and it isn't as difficult as you may think to do!

You can find the video here!

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