Wednesday, April 3, 2019

As I was looking thru the cards I had on hand ...

I realized I didn't have any "Get Well Soon" cards! As we all know, when someone is sick you want to get a card to them as quickly as possible so there's no time to think up and make a card. This one is bright and cheery and I finally got around to making a pocket card which I had been thinking about for quite some time!

I'm also checking out what all the hoopla is about with using make-up brushes or "life changing ink blending brushes". Go ahead, do a search on youtube on life changing brushes, you'll see what I mean! I've found them to be wonderful for a light colored background and they make blending with dye based inks soooooo easy. The brushes I used I found here on At $8.99 I figured it was worth trying them out!

Watch the video here!

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